Jerry Acevedo died on December 12, 2013 while running on the Town Lake trail. He was routinely running 4-5 miles 3X per week and was in great shape. He last saw his Dr. 6 months ago and got a clean bill of health. He was 59. Reagan class of 1972. The cause of death was severe cardiac arrest. Jerry died on the trail behind the Statesman building on E Riverside Dr. He parked near there and began his run from the Statesman parking lot about 630pm where the trail begins and was 50 yards from the end of his run when he collapsed. We are not sure how long Jerry laid on the trail, but a trail biker found him at 750pm and tried to help, but Jerry was already dead. Our best guess is that Jerry stayed undiscovered on the trail for about 30 minutes. EMS and the Police came and took Jerry away unidentified, he did not carry his ID when he ran. The family contacted the police about 2:00am and they told us that they had recovered a body on the trail and we quickly concluded that it was, in fact, Jerry. There will not be a formal Obituary in the Statesman. Jerry will be cremated. He leaves Michelle, Jerry’s wife, and their kids Justin, 33 and Erin, 29. Jerry’s death has left us stunned and heartbroken, crying for his loss one minute and laughing with our memories of him the next. Mostly laughing.